[Originally posted on Evidence for Learning 28 May 2020]
In this episode we return to the Recovery Curriculum with Matthew Carpenter and Barry Carpenter (Professor of Mental Health in Education at Oxford Brookes University), the co-authors of the original Think Piece.
In a conversation that was recorded on 1st May 2020, Barry and Matthew reflected on the origins of the Think Piece and Matthew, who is Principal at Baxter College, a mainstream secondary school, shares his thinking behind the 5 levers and how he and his team are applying them to plan the recovery process at Baxter College.
Reflecting on each of the 5 levers, Mat talks about the importance of ‘nimble leadership’ and being responsive to the individual needs of the whole school community in co-constructing the post pandemic curriculum, ensuring transparency throughout the journey.
For information on the Recovery Curriculum, including the original Think Piece entitled “A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic”, lectures, resources, reference materials and details of the online communities of practice, visit:
Episode 2: A Recovery Curriculum #2 – Mat Carpenter
Barry Carpenter, CBE, Professor of Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Professor Barry Carpenter’s website: https://barrycarpentereducation.com
Professor Carpenter’s recent lecture on “Nurturing a culture of inquiry at your school” : https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/barrycarpenter/
Matthew Carpenter, Principal, Baxter College, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK
Matthew Carpenter (Baxter College): http://baxtercollege.co.uk

Join the conversation about The Recovery Curriculum:
Clearly any form of Recovery Curriculum will need to be unique to each and every school, contextualised to the ethos, culture and values of that school, as well as its existing curriculum and crucially reflecting and addressing the needs and aspirations of its unique population of learners.
We have created private groups in LinkedIn and Facebook where colleagues and peers can discuss and share thoughts, ideas, experiences, resources and learning in relation to education and provision post pandemic. The groups are also an opportunity to connect people and help you to build a network that can support you on your own important journey over the coming months.
Facebook Group: Recovery Curriculum
We’ve set up a private facebook group specifically for The Recovery Curriculum at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/recoverycurriculum
or search for “recoverycurriculum” in Facebook.
Facebook: EfL SEND Community Group
Join us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eflSENDCommunity/ or search for “eflSENDCommunity” in Facebook.
The purpose of the group is to provide a safe, closed space to seek out and share ideas, experience and resources that can help with any and all aspects of SEND provision. It’s also a community for practitioners and schools that use Evidence for Learning and Insights for Learning to share ideas, resources and support each other in using these apps. This is a peer-moderated and supported group.
Linkedin Group: The Recovery Curriculum
The group is called “A Recovery Curriculum for children & schools post-pandemic” and you can find it at: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12399451/
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